Little Natsu left by Igneel Natsu was found as a baby by Igneel, a powerful Fire Dragon whom Natsu called his "father". Igneel raised him and taught him how to talk, write, and use a form of Lost Magic known as Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. On July 7, X777, however, Igneel mysteriously disappeared,[10] leading Natsu to set out in search of him. He was eventually found by Makarov Dreyar, the master of the Fairy Tail guild, where he became a member and formed a close, sibling-like rivalry with Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet.
Natsu with Lisanna, watching over their "dragon" egg. One day, Natsu found an egg in the forest east of Magnolia Town. Assuming it to be a dragon egg, Natsu took it to the guild and asked Makarov to make it hatch, but Makarov and Erza taught him that only Natsu could do it by watching over and caring for it.[11]Lisanna offered to help Natsu to raise the egg until it hatched, which Natsu accepted happily.[12] The two built a shack out of straw in the park to keep the egg warm, developing a very close friendship in the process.
Natsu with... Happy/Dragon? The next morning, Natsu discovered that the egg had disappeared and assumed that someone had stolen it. After Natsu argued with everyone in the guild and fought with Mirajane over the egg, Elfman appeared with the egg and confessed he wanted to help Natsu and Lisanna raise it, but was too embarrassed to ask. Suddenly, the egg hatched and, to everyone's shock, a blue cat with wings was born. Because everyone stopped arguing and became happy upon the cat's birth, Natsu named him Happy.[13]
A few years later, Lisanna left together with her siblings to go on an S-Class job to hunt a giant monster called "The Beast". Natsu wanted to go, but Elfman opposed as he felt he should be the one to care for his family. While on this mission, Lisanna was supposedly killed accidentally by Elfman after he lost control of himself while attempting to take over the monster. Though Natsu forgave Elfman, he was greatly saddened by the event.
Macao arc
Natsu's motion sickness Natsu receives a tip from Krov that a "Salamander" had been spotted in Hargeon Town.[14] Convinced that the "Salamander" is Igneel, Natsu and Happy travel to Hargeon by train, but are sidetracked when Natsu passes out on the train and is forced to ride it a second time around.[15] After finally getting off the train, the two stumble across a crowd of lovestruck young women eagerly shouting the name "Salamander." Excited, Natsu breaks into the crowd but, rather than seeing a dragon, instead meets a narcissistic fire mage claiming to be named Salamander. Downtrodden that the "salamander" wasn't Igneel after all, Natsu rejects an autograph from the imposter, causing the mage's legion of female fans to attack Natsu and drive him away.[16]
"Salamander" tries to give Natsu his autograph Through these antics, he saves a traveling mage, Lucy Heartfilia, from the influence of "Salamander's" illegal Charm magic, which he used to infatuate the crowd of girls. Out of appreciation, Lucy pays a meal for him and Happy, and rambles on about her ambition to join a famous guild. During the conversation, they reveal their search for Igneel in town. They are taken aback when Lucy points out a dragon would never be found in the middle of town, as this had not previously dawned on them before. Lucy leaves the two to finish their meal, but Natsu and Happy are so grateful for her random act of kindness that they feel indebted to her since they hadn't meant to help her in the first place. Natsu offers Lucy the autograph "Salamander" gave him, but she immediately refuses it, and they part ways.[17]
Natsu literally crashes the party Later that night, Natsu overhears that "Salamander" is supposedly a member of Fairy Tail. Natsu immediately becomes suspicious and quite literally gatecrashes the party on the mage's ship, discovering Lucy to be on board as "Salamander" had tricked her into thinking he could get her into Fairy Tail. The ship's rocking motion immediately takes its toll on Natsu, leaving him defenseless against Salamander's crew.[18] After being rescued by Happy, Lucy summons the celestial spiritAquarius, whose powerful water magic washes the boat and everyone on it ashore.[19]
Natsu, Lucy, and Happy running from Rune Knights With the ship on dry land and its rocking motion gone, Natsu regains his vitality and confronts "Salamander," declaring himself to be a member of Fairy Tail and exposing the fire mage as an imposter member. Though one of the impostor's crew members reveals his name to be Bora, Natsu shows no interest in his identity and is only concerned with his attempts to tarnish Fairy Tail's name. Their fight is short as Natsu easily decimates Bora and his crew, destroying a majority of Hargeon's port in the process.[20] The fight attracks the attention of the Rune Knights, prompting him and Happy to flee with Lucy in tow. Lucy is initially chagrined, but Natsu, now knowing that Lucy wants to join Fairy Tail, invites her to join his guild, which she happily accepts.[21]
Natsu starting a fight in the guild Upon returning to the guild in Magnolia Town with Lucy, Natsu angrily attacks Krov for giving him false information on the "Salamander,"[14] starting a fight which swiftly evolves into a full-scale brawl. The unruly mages are stopped by Makarov, who reads out loud to them a list of various complaints from the Magic Council about the guild members, including (but far from limited to) Natsu's destruction of Hargeon's port.[22] However, Makarov ultimately disregards the documented complaints and sets them aflame, giving his guild an inspiring speech (and giving the burning documents to Natsu as a snack).[23]
After feasting on a fiery meal, Natsu goes up to the guild's job request board to find work for food money.[24] While picking out a job, Natsu overhears Romeo Conbolt, son of Fairy Tail's Macao Conbolt, complaining to Makarov over how his father has not yet returned from his job in Hakobe Mountain to slay Vulcans. Empathizing with Romeo's troubles, Natsu leaves together with Happy to find Macao.[25] The two are accompanied by Lucy, now an official member of Fairy Tail. The three reach the snowstorm-ravaged mountain where they are attacked by a Vulcan, which notices Lucy and whisks her away to its cavern lair at the peak of the mountain.[26]
Natsu and Lucy bring Macao home Reasoning that this particular Vulcan is responsible for Macao's disappearance, Natsu chases the Vulcan to its lair and demands to know where it has hidden Macao. However, the Vulcan tricks Natsu into coming near a hole in the cavern wall and pushes him out of it, sending him plummeting off the side of the mountain.[27] Fortunately, Happy rescues him. Once back inside the cave, Natsu sees Lucy fighting the Vulcan using her celestial spirit Taurus and, mistaking the bull spirit to be another monster, sends him flying.[28] He soon defeats the Vulcan, who is then revealed to actually be Macao, having been taken over by the Vulcan. Natsu's attack causes Macao to fall out another hole through the wall, but Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Taurus manage to pull him to safety.[29] They find Macao to be seriously wounded, having fought nineteen Vulcans before being taken over by the twentieth. Natsu saves his life by burning the wound shut,[30] and returns to Magnolia with his friends to reunite Macao with Romeo.[31]
Daybreak arc
Team Natsu is formed After Lucy gets settled into her new home, she finds that Natsu and Happy have shamelessly invaded it.[32] While she scolds them, Happy sharpens his nails on the wall, distracting her from Natsu who peeks at her bundle of sheets. She dives for them, keeping them away from Natsu, and demands that they leave, to which Natsu refuses. Giving up, she offers the two a cup of tea and teaches them a little about Celestial Spirits.[33] For a demonstration on contracting with Celestial Spirits, Lucy summons the Canis Minor Nikora, which she named Plue. She shows them the procedures that Celestial Wizards go through to contract with Celestial Spirits, telling them that she doesn't break promises. Plue suggests that they form a team, to which Natsu agrees to, and in turn, Lucy does.[34] Their first mission is to steal a book which involves the book's owner hiring a blond maid. Using the Celestial Wizard's words against her, Natsu gets Lucy to join him in the job which makes Lucy think Natsu had prepared for it from the beginning.[35]
Natsu heading towards Everlue Mansion. When they arrive in Shirostume town, Natsu recommends they go to eat before their mission whilst Lucy went off elsewhere, declining his offer.[36] Natsu and Happy are shocked to find that when she returns, she is adorned in a maid outfit when they had only been joking about it.[37] Regardless, they make their way to the client's house, where Kaby Melon details their mission and stuns the three of them with the announcement that the reward had increased ten times in value.[38] Impassioned, they head towards the mansion where Lucy is interviewed for the maid position by Duke Everlue.
Natsu finds Daybreak After she is rejected for being too "ugly", they resolve to sneak into the mansion by having Happy fly them to the roof and Natsu melt a window to let them in.[39][40] Quietly, they move around the mansion until they are confronted by Everlue's other maids who Natsu instantly deals with. They then discovered the library and after a quick search, Natsu locates the book DAYBREAK. Natsu was about to burn it when Lucy snatches it from his grasp as she saw it was a book by the famous author, Kemu Zaleon, and begged for him to let her keep it.[41]
Natsu and Lucy are confronted by Everlue Just then, Everlue literally dives up from the ground, having previously held back to see what they had been up to, and calls on the Vanish Brothers to deal with them. However, Lucy declares that there was a secret in the book and runs off, asking Natsu to buy her some time. Everlue goes after her, interested about the secret, and Natsu tells Happy to follow them while he dealt with the brothers.[42]
Natsu fights the Vanish Brothers After a brief fight with the Vanish Brothers, Natsu quickly defeats the brothers and grabs the head maid when she begins to move.[43] Consequently, when Everlue summons this head maid, who is actually the Celestial Spirit Virgo, he is pulled through the Celestial Spirit world back to the Human world. Lucy shouts for him to deal with Virgo while she defeats Everlue. He complies, delivering her a powerful blow.[44]
Natsu defeats Virgo Lucy makes them return the book to the client where he found out the truth about the book, and to whom the book was meant for; the group decides not to take payment for the job (much to Lucy's dismay) since they didn't specifically complete what was asked for: "destroy the book".[45] They begin to return, with Natsu realizing that Lucy's earlier protectiveness was because the bundle of sheets was a novel she was creating, explaining her knowledge of books. She shouts at him to not tell anyone.[46]
Lullaby arc
Natsu and Gray bicker behind Erza's back Natsu returns to the guild and gets into another fight with Gray, but Loke warns them that Erza has returned from her mission and they comically pretend to be good friends. Much to their dismay, Erza forces Natsu and Gray to go on a mission with her.[47] When Erza finally arrives at the train station, Natsu issues her an agreement that he would only go if she agreed to fight him when they returned, to which she agrees. On the train, Natsu gets his usual motion sickness and Erza, in an attempt to make him feel better, knocks him out.[48]
Natsu attacks Kageyama when the train stops The other members start to discuss their mission, but in the process, forget to wake up Natsu when they leave, leaving him on the train.[49]Kageyama, a member of the Dark GuildEisenwald that the group was discussing earlier, tries to start a conversation with him. However, Kageyama attacks him and the two get into a fight with Natsu quickly getting the upper hand when the train stops. During their fight, he notices the Lullaby flute, and before the train starts to move again, jumps out of the train's window and into a Magic four-wheel vehicle driven by Erza.[50][51]
They return to the train station via the vehicle, causing Natsu to get motion sickness again, and requiring the assistance of Lucy (who is considered transport by Natsu) to drag him to the station.[52] Although denied entry, they enter anyway and are confronted by the members of Eisenwald at the station platform. Upon hearing Kageyama's voice, Natsu revives and saves Lucy from being harmed by one of Kageyama's attacks.[53] Erza then orders him and Gray to go after Erigor, and the two agree to split up to find him.[54]
Kageyama sneaking up behind Natsu As Natsu searches, he starts destroying the walls to find him, despite the fact that doors were right next to him.[55] Kageyama sneaks up bhind him and attacks him and after they exchange a few blows, he quickly overwhelms him and questions him on the whereabouts of Erigor, just as Erza and company arrive to question him on how to dispel the barrier of wind around the station. However, to everyone's surprise, Kageyama is suddenly stabbed in the back by one of his allies and Natsu, in rage, attacks the assassin and tries to avenge Kageyama.[56][57]
Natsu defeats ErigorTeam Natsu is then freed from the wind wall by Lucy's new Celestial Spirit Virgo, who apologizes to Natsu for her previous fight with him and he quickly forgives her.[58] Natsu then uses Happy's maximum speed to chase after Erigor.[59] After he runs into him, he proves himself powerful enough for Erigor to evoke his Storm Mail spell. As the wind armor causes Natsu's fire to be put out and stops him from punching Erigor, Natsu becomes angry to the point of heating his flames using his emotions. Happy notices the effects of the superheated fire on Erigor's Storm Mail and provokes Natsu to increase his fire's heat by appealing to his sense of rivalry with Gray. This sends Natsu into a rage, and he is able to defeat Erigor.[60][61]
Fairy Tail running away When the others arrive, Kageyama steals the Lullaby flute and goes to the Guild Masters' meeting.[62] The team quickly follows and are stopped from saving Makarov by the other Guild Masters, while Makarov convinces Kageyama to give up.[63] Since Kageyama refused to play the flute and finish off Makarov, the flute turns into a huge beast.[64] Seeing this, Natsu teams up with Gray and Erza to take it down.[65] Unfortunately, the team destroys the Guild Masters' meeting place in the process.[66] When the Guild Masters see this they turn around they see that Fairy Tail was already running away except for Natsu who offered to help chase his teammates unaware that he was being chased as well.[67]
Galuna Island arc
Natsu fighting Erza True to her word, Erza begins her fight with Natsu, but just as it warms up, Erza is arrested for property damage amongst other crimes.[68] To prevent him from recklessly going after Erza, Natsu is literally transformed into a salamander and stuck under a glass.[69] However, it is revealed that it was actually Macao who had transformed himself to give time for Natsu to smash into Erza's court hearing, crudely dressed as her, and proclaim that he is actually Erza which results in them both being imprisoned for a short time.[70]
Natsu knocks out Gray Due to Erza's arrest being a mere formality, Natsu and Erza are soon released.[71] Natsu once again tries to fight Erza, but is swiftly defeated with one blow.[72] Natsu then tries to pick a fight with Laxus Dreyar, but is prevented from doing so by Makarov, who says he isn't allowed up to the second floor "yet".[73] Later on, Natsu breaks into Lucy's apartment, much to her annoyance, and tries to persuade her to go on a S-class mission, 'The Cursed Island', with him and Happy.[74] She initially refuses but then agrees when she notices that the award includes a Golden Key.[75] Unable to find someone to ferry them across, Natsu falls on the idea of swimming to the island, but is soon stopped when Gray appears. Just as they begin to fight, one of the sailors who had previously refused, notices their Magic and agrees to sail them across. Natsu then quickly knocks Gray out and drags him onto the boat.[76] The sailor leading then suddenly disappears, just before a tidal wave shipwrecks them on the island's shore.[77]
Gray and Natsu keep attacking the giant mouse With Gray now agreeing to help them, they go to their client, the mayor of the island, to find out about the curse affecting the inhabitants.[78] Initially asked to do the impossible task of destroying the moon, they resolve to explore the island the next morning.[79][80] In the forest they are confronted by a gigantic mouse, which they quickly defeat, and find a ruined temple.[81] Natsu then stamps on the floor of the temple which causes it to crumble apart, and sends them hurtling down into a large cavern.[82] The cavern contains a frozen demon Deliora, and the Mages Yuka Suzuki, Sherry, and Toby. Gray tells them that they are going to stay put until the moon comes back out and Natsu instinctively falls asleep at this piece of news.[83][84] Night soon arrives, and they discover that the purple moonlight is hitting the frozen Deliora; they run up the surface to investigate and discover a ritual to free Deliora.[85]
Natsu carrying Gray back to the village Natsu, enraged by Lyon Bastia's command to Toby and the others to destroy the village, jumps out from hiding and attacks, but is quickly stopped by Lyon's ice Magic and pushed down a hill by Gray.[86] Natsu returns back up the hill to find a beaten up Gray, and carries him back to the village.[87] When he arrives at the village, he falls into the trap that Lucy had previously placed for Lyon and his Mages.[88] The village is then attacked by Lyon's Mages who use poison jelly to try kill everyone, but Natsu destroys a large amount of the poison with his Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame attack, and sends the rest to the outer skirts of the village.[89] Natsu and Lucy are then confronted by Sherri, Yuka and Toby.[90] After Sherri and Angelica leave to destroy the villagers, Lucy accidently grabs onto Angelica and leaves Natsu to fight Yuka and Toby.[91] When Happy decides to go check on Lucy to make sure she’s okay, Natsu remarks that that’s fine and that he would take care of these two, and after a brief battle, he defeats Yuka and tricks Toby into poisoning himself.[92][93]
Natsu stops Gray from killing himself The next day, Erza arrives and Natsu reappears alone, going into the temple from earlier.[94] After he goes into the ruins, he begins breaking them to try tilting the temple so the moonlight wouldn't reach Deliora.[95] He then starts to fight Lyon, but midway through is interrupted by Gray, who tells him that he'll fight Lyon instead.[96][97] Gray attempts to use the powerful spell Iced Shell to kill both himself and Lyon, but is stopped by a punch to the face by Natsu.[98] Enraged at being ignored by Zalty, he chases after him and falls into another fight.[99]
Natsu defeats Zalty Their battle leads into Deliora's cavern, where Natsu is shocked to find that Deliora's frozen prison is melting.[100] Natsu eventually finds a way around Zalty's Arc of Time Magic and punches him away just as the ritual for Deliora's revival is complete.[101] However, it is then revealed that Deliora had actually been long dead.[102]Natsu is dragged off by Erza to receive his punishment. They then realize, thanks to Erza, that the ritual had nothing to do with the villager's demonic transformations, but that it was instead excess Moon Drip Magic creating a barrier around the island, making the moon look purple and making the villagers forget that their demonic appearance was actually their true appearance.[103]
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